Sunday, November 4, 2007

When Old Isn't Charming

I can't help thinking of the phrase 'old-world charm' whenever I wander the hallways of the stately Chateau Frontenac (114 years young and counting), or view some of the sights of Old Quebec that surround this landmark hotel.
But sometimes, newer is better. At least that's what I thought Saturday night when the elevator I was riding down to the hotel lobby decided to grind to a halt (and yes, that would accurately describe the sound) somewhere between the first and second floors.
When I put in the call for help, the friendly woman on the other end of the line couldn't have been any quicker getting the wheels turning, so to speak, to solve my predicament. Fortunately, I'm not one of those claustrophobic sorts, and the 15 minutes or so I was stuck there were more of any annoyance than anything.
Let's just say it will hardly harm my impression of this lovely hotel, or the wonderful people who serve the guests here.
But for a few minutes, I was reminded why many of today's travellers want all those modern, hi-tech conveniences that are in growing abundance out there now.
Although I'll tell you what — those early 20th-century style house phones in the Chateau's lobby still look rather, well, charming to me.

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